On 16 October, 1963, the National Trust of Queensland Bill was introduced into parliament. Soon afterwards, the Government announced it had excised a small curtilage of land surrounding Wolston House, with the intention of gifting the house to the NTAQ as its first property. The house was in a dilapidated condition and the National Trust of Australia (Queensland)'s first project was the restoration and preservation of the buildings.
Through its properties, advocacy and research, we encourage the community to appreciate, care our significant places, wildlife, and stories. National Trust of Australia (Queensland) is funded through membership fees, property admission fees, partnerships, donations and sponsorships. We also advocate for the recognition and care of heritage places throughout Queensland.
How you can help
We have several ways to get involved by sponsoring a program, conservation effort, heritage property or heritage event. This provides unique benefits and logo placement or scripting to ensure maximum brand exposure.
You can also become a corporate partner as a perfect introduction to the National Trust.

Built Heritage
Heritage Site Sponsor
Sponsor a National Trust property, garden, building or room in Queensland to receive brand recognition from visitors. This can include sponsoring the interpretation, restoration work and more at the heritage property of your choice.
Cultural Heritage
Heritage Skills Register
Become a sponsor of the National Trust Heritage Skills Register to promote heritage trades and support heritage home owners with valuable information.This has been our goal for some time and needs financial support to bring it to life.
Heritage Advocacy Work
Support to continue Advocacy work Statewide, or sponsor a particular advocacy campaign and help us preserve our built heritage. Without the financial support we are limited with what we can advocate for.
Gathering Space
Partner with us to create a community gathering spaces and gardens and support National Trust of Australia (Queensland) to celebrate Heritage.
Environmental Conservation
Interpretation of Our Stories
Sponsor travelling exhibitions to showcase our museum collections to be able to tell the stories of Queensland to communities statewide.
First Nations Interpretation
Sponsor the indigenous interpretation at our National Trust properties including Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and Wolston Farmhouse.
Conservation and Research
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is committed to the conservation of wildlife. We participate in 16 conservation projects and 2 research projects to help save some of these amazing species from extinction.
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital is one of the busiest wildlife hospitals in the world. Its mission is to treat, rehabilitate and release Australian wildlife. In the last 20 years, over 140,000 wildlife patients would have struggled to survive without the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital and its incredible network of wildlife carers.
Tree To Me
Did you know it takes up to 1,000 gum trees to feed just one Koala for a year? Help us to continue to plant eucalypt trees in our Plantations.
Sponsor education programs, resources, interpretation and incursions including an Indigenous wildlife on wheels program at one of our properties from Currumbin to Cooktown
Advisory Groups
Cover the expenses to bring working groups together to ensure our skills-based committees can add most value to the mission of National Trust of Australia (Queensland).
Immigrant History
Sponsor the interpretation of Queensland’s multicultural stories from our immigrant settlers throughout our heritage sites. Help us to share and celebrate the cultural diversity of our state.